Tuesday, September 26, 2017

How to motivate yourself

Hello all you happy people, motivating yourself every day to stay true to your goal is definitely a challenge. So here are three practical tips which will help you stay motivated.
1. Set a goal:
The first step is to set a goal, a destination which you wish to reach. Set a goal that would make you wake up in the morning and say “Yes, I can do this”. It should challenge you and make you push yourself harder every single day. It should be something that you always wanted to do, but never had the courage to do so. Just remember, your goal doesn’t have to be the same as everyone else, it can as simple as fitting into that t-shirt. What matters is, that it should bring about positive change in your life.
2. Remind yourself:
          Setting up a goal isn’t enough, you need to keep checking on it from time to time. One of the best way to do this is keep a journal. Bookmark all your achievements, record all the hard work that you have put into to come this far. So if ever you stray away from your goal, you can look at it and that in turn will help you stay focussed. If at all you feel like quitting, you can go back and see how far you have come. Another way to remind yourself is to post pictures or motivational quotes or just about anything that will help you stay on the track. Post it wherever you can see it every day, at work, at home, just about everywhere.
3. Get the subconscious:
Even after putting in a lot of hard work, there might be some other factors which might stop you from staying focussed. So training your subconscious mind is the key here. Meet people who have similar goals as you, read articles and watch videos not only about the benefits of reaching your destination, but also on what would happen if you fail to do so. We spend quiet a lot of time on social media and there are so many pages and communities that will inspire you, follow those. The best way to get the attention of your mind is to visualize your outcome, what would happen if you actually achieved your goal, the happiness that you would feel for having come this far in your journey. That would make you work harder towards your goal.

Just remember that motivation comes from within, it’s YOU who has the ability to make a difference and change for good. So friends, if you agree with me or if you some other tips, let me know in the comments below. If you have any suggestions, feel free to catch up with me here or on Google+ or on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AHappyGirlWrites) or Instagram (a.happy.girl.writes) or on Twitter (A_Happy_Girl2) or Snapchat (ahappy.girl) or Tumblr (ahappygirlwrites) or on We Heart It (ahappygirlwrites). Until next time, keep smiling and I will be back soon. Don’t forget to have a happy day J.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips Happy! ...Also one more thing would like to share is: A person only fails when he gives up trying...so never giveup...Thnx
