Hello all
you beautiful people. I hope you all are having an amazing weekend till now.
Today I am going to talk about a topic that is extremely close to my heart and
that is real beauty. I wanted to write this article ever since I started
blogging but for some emotional reasons I had been putting it off. But finally
it is here. So enjoy reading.
Few days ago
I read an article titled “This will change your perception about beauty” or
something like that. As soon as I read this title, my mind drifted back to my
teenage years. I was never BEAUTIFUL or PRETTY by “normal standards”. The
reason was, I was dark with no sharp facial features, had bad acne, and was
short and plum. Back in those days, many people used to tell me that I am not
good looking and that it will be so hard to get me married. This was the reason
why I had a really bad inferiority complex when I was teenager. I was also
surrounded by BEAUTIFUL friends and family members and this in turn made me
feel even worse about myself. The only thing that I ever wanted in life was to
be fair and slim, in short beautiful by the standards defined by our society.
But that was
ages ago. Cut to the present, the condition is different. I somehow became a
little fair and the acne just disappeared and I also lost weight. So now the
same people, who had labelled me as UGLY, refer to me as OKAY-LOOKING. But the
most important change in me was that I decided to love myself for what I am and
soon the inferiority complex disappeared. As for my heart, that very few people
noticed. Well, all I can say is it is still the same or maybe it became better
with age. This is the reason why I feel beautiful from within.
I never
really understood why people just look at the outer beauty and label you as
BEAUTIFUL or UGLY. Why can’t they see a beautiful heart? Why an intelligent,
educated and caring person regarded as ugly just because he/she is dark or fat?
Is this kind of discrimination really needed? My answer is no. In my life till
now, I have seen so many good looking mean people as well as not so good
looking but amazing, lovely people. Now-a-days there are dozens of brands
selling so called fairness cream and weight reducing tablets. (This does not
mean that you should be overweight or unhealthy) And then there are CELEBRITIES
whom we idolise. Every girl wants to look like Aishwarya Rai, Katrina Kaif or
Deepika Padukone. But little do we realise that they are made to appear
BEAUTIFUL to us. But this is how the society works. We can’t really do much
about other people but what we can do is to change our perception about BEAUTY.
I always
believed that the real beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. And your eyes
are the reflection of your soul. So a person with a beautiful mind/soul is
BEAUTIFUL. So even if the society labels you as UGLY, it’s fine. They don’t
really understand what REAL BEAUTY is. Just be yourself because you are amazing
and most importantly you are UNIQUE. So love yourself for what you are. So
friends this is my story as well as my perception about beauty. I did defeat
the inner demon called inferiority complex and I did arise as a confident girl.
If I can anyone can. So share this article with anyone who needs a little help.
If you agree with me, then do tell me so in the comments below.
Goodbye my
dear friends and I will see you soon. Until then Keep Smiling. Please do follow
my blog, like the facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Happy-Girl/292903830872974?ref_type=bookmark),
follow me on twitter (https://twitter.com/A_Happy_Girl2)
as well as on Google Plus. If you have any suggestions or questions,
please comment below.
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