Friday, August 08, 2014

Rules of Exercising

Hello all you smiley faces. I hope you all are doing great. Today I am going to share with you some of my tips before, after and during exercising. So here we go.
Rule 1- Have a fixed routine for exercising. Always exercise during the same time period every day.
Rule 2- It is always better to exercise in the morning. But you can also exercise in the evening as per you convenience.
Rule 3- If you are exercising in the evening; make sure that you have your lunch at least 3 hours before and 2 hours after that. You can have some light snacks before and after exercising.
Rule 4- Schedule your shower at least 1 hour before and 1 hour after exercising. And use lukewarm water.
Rule 5- Before you get into your actual exercise routine, do some stretching and warm up exercises. It actually does help to get your body in the exercise mode.
Rule 6- Always keep a bottle of water with you. This is because you sweat while exercising so you need to keep your body hydrated. So make sure you take drink breaks while exercising.
Rule 7- Exercise in a peaceful environment. This will help to keep your body as well as mind healthy.
Rule 8- Follow the correct procedure of a particular exercise. If you do not follow this rule, you might get injured. Trust me friends when I say been there, done that.
Rule 9- If you are a beginner to a particular exercise routine, start with fewer repetitions and slowly increase the sets/repetitions.
Rule 10- It is okay if you cannot do a particular exercise. Just keep trying; you will surely be able to do it in few days or probably a week. This tip is exclusively for all my fellow yoga lovers.
Rule 11- Right after you finish exercising, you are tired and shaky. So it is better to do meditation for at least 2-3 minutes right after you finish exercising. This will help to calm your body.
So friends these are some of the tips that I follow while exercising. I hope you found this article helpful and if you did then let me know in the comments below. If you have any rule that you think I should follow, leave it in the comments below. Friends always remember that regular exercise is the key to healthy life. So enjoy exercising.
Goodbye my dear friends and I will see you soon. Until then Keep Smiling. Please do follow my blog, like the facebook page. ( and follow me on twitter ( If you have any suggestions or questions, please comment below.

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